Library of Tibetan Works and Archives

Library of Tibetan Works and Archives, shortly LTWA houses world’s one of the finest collections on Tibetan Art and Culture. The museum includes the significant archives about Tibetan History and manuscripts on Buddhism. The rarest collections of artefacts and other monuments exhibited are the testimony to the strong hold of Buddhism in Tibetan regions over these years.
What to see in LTWA?
The list of things to see in LTWA is indeed very long. The Library has more 80000 manuscripts and books, more than 600 statues and most interestingly around 6000 photographs, all speaking about Buddhism and its heritage and cultural impacts in Tibet. The museum placed in the third floor of the library is very impressive with the most highlighted wooden mandala of Avalokitheshwara and many other artefacts dating back to 12th century.
How To Reach LTWA?
LTWA is located at just 3.5kms from Dharamshala, easy to access.
Best Time to visit LTWA:
The period between February and June is ideal to experience the epitome beauty of Dharamshala. Though the winter season is quite frigid here, you will love to look at the most splendid valleys.
Entry Timings:
LTWA is kept open between 9.00 AM and 5.00 PM (Closed for lunch between 1.00 PM and 2.00 PM)
Please note LTWA is closed on Sundays, 2nd and 4th Saturdays and on all gazetted holidays.
Kangra Art Musuem

Kangra Art Museum will be the best choice to visit in Himachal Pradesh if you are a history buff, researcher, photo fanatic or an art lover. Kangra Art Museum is home to some of the finest artefacts portraying the rich culture and heritage of Tibet due to its close proximity to the region. The ambience where Kangra Art Museum is located itself is a splendid one to experience the abundant beauty of nature.
What to see in Kangra Art Museum?
Dharamshala, being a prominent tourist destination draws people from all corners of the country and globe. You have many things to see in Kangra Art Museum right from the 5th century artefacts and the works by the modern artistes as well. The exhibits are in the form of ancient coins, weapons and stunningly beautiful sculptures speaking loudly about various cultures with a special attention to Tibetan culture and heritage. There is also a separate hall where you can witness how miniature paintings are getting ready live.
Best Time to Visit Kangra Art Museum?
The spring and summer seasons between February and June will be most pleasant period to visit Himachal Pradesh. If you want your heart to skip a beat by looking at the frozen valleys covered with rigid snow, choose between June and September.
How to reach Kangra Art Museum?
The museum is located at the center of the city and can be reached easily from any part of Dharamshala preferably using cabs and autos.
Entry Timings:
The Kangra Art Museum can be visited between 10.00 AM to 1.30PM and 2.00 PM to 5.00 PM. Please note the museum is closed on all Mondays.
Shiwalik Fossil Park

One of the largest fossil parks in Asia, Shiwalik fossil park in Himachal Pradesh is home to fossils which are even 2.5 million years old vertebrates. Set up in 1.5 sq. km area, Shiwalik fossil park houses world’s few of richest antiquities, and is a “Must be visited” location during your visit to Himachal Pradesh.
What to see in Shiwalik Fossil Park?
The highlight of Shiwalik Fossil Park are the life size models of extinct mammals which are made of fiberglass and resins. Also witness the exhibits including the skull and limbs of tortoises, crocodiles and hippopotamuses. The tusks of various varieties of elephants are also show cased here.
How to reach Shiwalik Fossil Park?
The fossil park is situated at about 5km from Kala Amb in the Kala Amb – Bikramabad Road and 22km from Nahan, the headquarters of Sirmur district in Himachal Pradesh.
Entry Timings:
The park can be explored between 9.30 AM and 5.00 PM. Please note the fossil park is closed on Tuesdays.