Dogra Art Museum

Dogra Art Musuem in Jammu is well known among the travelers for the finest collection of Basohli paintings and is indeed a treasure trove of Dogra culture and heritage. Dogra was the Hindu Rajput dynasty ruling the Jammu region nearly for a century. Dogra culture reflects the vibrancy of various styles and multi-hued traditions and historians record that Dogra culture had a long list of festivals and fairs celebrated round the year. Dogra had been well known for the folk-literature, handicrafts and paintings. It is amazing to explore the exhibits portraying the rich color of Dogra culture, invariably unique!
What to see in Dogra Art Museum?
Dogra Art Musuem is home for more than 7000 exhibits which includes Modern Art, Antique Coins, Portraits of Jammu rulers, Arms, metal objects, sculptures, Musical instruments and fossils. The highlighted exhibit in Dogra Art Museum is the miniature paintings from Basohli.
How to reach Dogra Art Museum?
Dogra Art Museum is a multipurpose museum established inside the Mubarak Mandi Complex, known as Pink Hall.
Best Time to Visit:
Plan your visit to Jammu & Kashmir during the Spring and Summer seasons, that is, between February and June. If you are keen to witness the beauty of the snow covered mountains and frisking rivers through the towns, the period between June and September will be ideal.
Munshi Aziz Bhat Museum of Central Asian & Kargil Trade Artifacts

This is a family operated museum open to public exhibiting the glimpses about the famous silk route trader Munshi Aziz Bhat, who was a well-known entrepreneur and a visionary. The museum exhibits the history of trade routes exited in the pre independent India, the information treasured and passed on to the generations.
What to see in the Musuem?
Munshi Aziz Bhat Museum houses exhibits ranging from day to day household items, coins and currencies, utensils, carpets and jewelry used during the pre independent period by the commuters using the different trading routes. You can further visualize the lives of the herders, traders, horsemen and farmers who used to traverse across these routes.
It will be an amazing experience to go deeper into the history of the traders and the silk routes which has now obsolete with the mechanized way of trading.
How to reach the Museum?
Munshi Aziz Bhat Museum is located in a serene location overlooking the Kargil town and can be reached at 147, Munshi Enclave, Lankore. Visitors to this museum never fail to enjoy the beauty of the snow-covered mountains and the gorgeously Suru River flowing through the town.
Best Time to visit:
The period from February to June will be ideal to take a tour across Himachal Pradesh to get drenched fully into the beauty of the region. The winter season will be equally wonderful to experience the nature at its best.